Georgetown Historical Society



  • 1682

    Governor Andros divided Whorekil County in two and Sussex County was formed


  • 1794

    Georgetown's first church, St Paul's Episcopal Church, was established
  • 1791

    Delaware General Assembly reassigned the Sussex County Seat to a central site that later became known as Georgetown. A courthouse and jail were to be erected there.
  • 1750

    Resolution of boundary disputes resulted in the Sussex County we know today


  • 1899

    A resolution to construct a water works in town was enacted
  • 1897

    Georgetown's first commercial laundry business opened
  • 1894

    The Board of Commissioners passed an ordinance permitting Universal Engineering Co of Baltimore, Maryland to install a telephone system in the town
  • 1875

    The first cannery was built by the Fruit Preserving Company
  • 1870

    Georgetown population reached 710
  • 1868

    Operation of the railroad began in Georgetown
  • 1841

    The Post Office first moved from a private home to a public building
  • 1835

    The Republican and Peninsula Advertiser, Georgetown's first newspaper opened
  • 1823

    Several public houses and law firms set up business that increased growth in the community
  • 1812

    A formal school house was built on the corner of Market and Race Streets, Georgetown


  • 1935

    Citizens voted to accept a $150,000 bond to establish a sewerage system
  • 1920

    Georgetown becomes the place where farmers retire
  • 1919

    Automobile speed limit was increased to 15 miles per hour
  • 1901

    Quick action by the Town Counsel to immunize all Georgetown residents saved the town from a smallpox epidemic